I'm falling behind a little on my the blog half of my reading, so i'm going to keep this short.
I love the Hellboy books. I'd never claim they are great literature, but fuck if they aren't fun to read. And of the Hellboy books, the ones written by Christopher Golden are my favorites.
Christopher Golden writes other books too.
So I thought, "What the hell?" I'll try some of his other books. I decided to try the first two books in the Veil series. The Myth Hunters, and Borderkind. And they were good. Not my favorite series ever. But good.
In brief, there's a veil that separates our world from the world of myth (don't call them myths though, it pisses them off). The books are about a man, Oliver, who crosses that veil while saving the embodiment of winter itself, Jack Frost. And thus it begins. The web quickly becomes tangles. Oliver, of course, isn't what he seems to be. The writing is well paced, the characters are ground in myths and legends from across the globe, and the plot is satisfyingly convoluted.
I'm glad i gave Christopher Golden's other books a try, and I'll sure as hell grab the third book in the series when it comes out.
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