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About Me

- Johnny Panic
- I'm just a guy... pretty boring over all. Nothing all that special. Frustrated and growing older (I've hit 30, but i think i'm in denial). I work a job, middle management I guess. We are always broke though. Got a wife, and a daughter, love them both more than i've ever found the words to express. I go to church, sometimes. I bike to work, if i get up on time. I like the rain, always. But I have this nagging feeling that there should be more to life than this...
1 comment:
The book turned out to be okay. Not really good, but not horribly bad either. If you're a Battlestar Galactica junkie and need a fix before the new episodes start up again, then this book is probably worth it.
If you're anything short of a complete addict you won't get much out of this book.
It takes place several years before the Television series. Between the precarious truce that ended the Cylon war and the nuclear surprise attack that signifies the beginning of the television series. I don't envy anyone who sets to the task of writing a "tie-in" book. At best they will be ignored as the main story progresses, at worst your entire work is invalidated by one television episode. This book hangs somewhere in the middle. I think they placed it this far below the series beginning so that it wouldn't interfere with the developing plot.
I didn't set out to pick the timeline apart as I read it, maybe I even tried to turn a blind eye to discreptancies. but some were glaring, and jarring. And I had to stop a few times and think to myself "given what we've learned about this characters past during the TV series, is this even possible?"
And even though the characters were younger, I'm not sure I was ever convinced that they are the same characters I've grown to know and love on the Sci Fi channel.
Admiral William Adama, Colonel Saul Tigh, and Tom Zarek are all in the book. And we are given ample information about all of their pasts and the formulative events in thier lives. But it just doesn't fit in with the television characters.
Even given that I'm one of the worst Battlestar junkies I know, I'd only be able to give this book a 3 out of 10.
I wish someone would change the rules for "tie in" books. "Bad Twin" was a decent tie in to the LOST series. It wasn't a major plot driver, but it fit in with the rest of the LOST series and even appeared as a manuscript in one of the episodes.
I think that BSG (BattleStar Galactica) has a wonderful opportunity here. This season, and the comming seasons, will face a smaller pool of main characters. We haven't had many introduced, and we've lost more than a handful. They need to introduce characters in a creative and beleivable way to keep the plot threads from becoming stagnant inbred circles (see Grey's Anatomy). But introducing characters can be a tricky thing, and it's easy to mess it up (See LOST, Nikki and Paulo).
I don't think anyone has tried introducing new characters utilizing a tie in novel. I thinkt hat if done carefully, and with balance, this could be a wonderful vehicle.
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