Grabbed this one off the shelf. I picked it up some time ago off a bargain shelf for $7.00
I'm a little skeptical about 100 stories in about 600 pages. I'm hoping that it isn't one of those anthologies that takes excerpts from novels. But I didn't really look that close when I bought it. It was a vampire anthology that I didn't have yet, and for seven bucks.... how could I say no?
This book has turned out far better than I thought it would. They aren't novel excerpts but short stories. Some very short. I've decided that instead of ploughing through it I'm going to read one a night. I'm only 4 stories into the anthology, but so far I must say that I reccomend this book to someone looking for variety in vampire stories. I imagine that a lot of people think that a vampire is a vampire, and that there isn't much variety amongst vampires. This would be a good book to show just how much diversity there is within the vampire myth.
The more I read it, the more I'd recommend this one to anyone with an interest in Vampire stories. The short stories are really very good, and manage to explore the vampire mythos in different ways. I'm about 1/3 of the way through and every story has taken a new approach to vampirism.
I know I started this ages ago, and I haven't been good at sticking to the "story a night" pace that i set for myself. But I've got to say again that these stories are great for the burgeoning vempirologist. They aren't in depth, the characters aren't developed, but they are all written well (some are written VERY well), and they all explore a slightly different aspect of the vampire myth. They don't amount to much more than ideas. Some, I would argue, aren't even really stories, they are too short. But the ideas in them more than make up for it. I'm about 1/2 throuh now, and i still highly HIGHLY recommend this book for vampire enthusiasts.
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