Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein

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wiki says....
"The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress is a 1966 science fiction novel by American writer Robert A. Heinlein, about a lunar penal colony's revolt against rule from Earth. Originally serialised in Worlds of If (December 1965, January, February, March, April 1966), it received the Hugo Award for best science fiction novel."

I've had this one on my "to read" shelf for a while too. I've been told that it's a Sci-Fi classic. I've even been told that when it comes to novels it's THE sci-fi classic.

Egyptian Legends and Stories by M. V. Seton-Williams

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Egyptian Legends and Stories by M. V. Seton-Williams

Started it this morning. I'm still on the intro....

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Un Dun Lun by China Mieville

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I Love China Mieville. I'll admit, in my eyes, he can't go wrong. So I'm a little biased here. I've been waiting for this book since 2 days after I finished the last China Mieville book.

About Me

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I'm just a guy... pretty boring over all. Nothing all that special. Frustrated and growing older (I've hit 30, but i think i'm in denial). I work a job, middle management I guess. We are always broke though. Got a wife, and a daughter, love them both more than i've ever found the words to express. I go to church, sometimes. I bike to work, if i get up on time. I like the rain, always. But I have this nagging feeling that there should be more to life than this...