Thursday, February 23, 2006

Dragon and the Unicorn by A. A. Attanasio

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I was fated to read this book. We were at Barnes and Noble and I had forgotten my book list. And I'm kinda in a dry spell right now anyway. I need to find some good books. I decided to just wander up and down the isles in the fiction arena. As I was just starting down the fantasy isle a book with a stark black and white cover caught my eye.

When I got cloer the book, perched face outward on the shelf, fell into the isle at my feet. Fate? or over stocked shelves? And aren't the two really the same thing anyway?

Raisins are graps, pickles are cucumbers and fate is jsut an over stocked shelf....

So I bought the book.

Here's the publishers blurb.
"Beneath every beloved legend there is a deeper legend still, etched in

ancient stone. The Dragon and the Unicorn begins before the beginning

of Time, as light first cools to matter, bearing within it the electron

glow of lost Heaven. Attanasio's epic tale of a quest for immortality

spans all history, human and demihuman, from the dung fires on the

steppes to the snows of the Himalayas, from the mudhut cities on

the Euphrates to the glass and steel towers of tomorrow, from the

hunt for the Unicorn's horn to the ceaseless wars of elf and dragon,

Celt and Roman. It is a quest that ends - and begins - in a

legend-heavy place at the edge of the Western Sea, with the first

cry of a King new born. A place called Tintagel. A King, the heir

Pendragon, called Eagle of Thor, or...Arthur."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Beyond Coincidence, by Martin Plimmer and Brian King

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The premise of this book intrigued me. Along the lines of that everyday magic sort of thing. The notion that there is something bigger going on beneath the surface appeals to me.

Here's the publishers blurb.

"Coincidence? Or something beyond coincidence? Is someone playing with us? Could it be God? Or are we, as some scientists have suggested, hyperaware of our hyperconnected universe whose weblike workings we can only dimly discern?" From magic and religion to subatomic particles and the laws of probability, Beyond Coincidence deeply explores the roots of luck, odds, and circumstance, while telling amazing stories that will have you shaking your head.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Dream Master by Roger Zelazny

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I'm a sucker for vampire books and dream books. If they look even vaguely interesting, or if they look like they might have a new approach to either topic, I buy them. As a result, I've got more than a couple that i picked up on a whim and haven't read yet.

This one for instance was half pushed under the bad and had gathered an admirable layer of dust. Something about the premise seems familiar, but I don't remember anything about the characters or story line. So I'm reading it again.... or for the first time.... I'm really not sure.

Here's the publishers blurb

"His name is Charles Render, and he is a psychoanalyst, and a mechanic of dreams. A Shaper. In a warm womb of metal, his patients dream their neuroses, while Render, intricately connected to their brains, dreams with them, makes delicate adjustments, and ultimately explains and heals.
Her name is Eileen Shallot, a resident in psychiatry. She wants desperately to become a Shaper, though she has been blind from birth.

Together, they will explore the depths of the human mind — and the terrors that lurk therein. "

About Me

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I'm just a guy... pretty boring over all. Nothing all that special. Frustrated and growing older (I've hit 30, but i think i'm in denial). I work a job, middle management I guess. We are always broke though. Got a wife, and a daughter, love them both more than i've ever found the words to express. I go to church, sometimes. I bike to work, if i get up on time. I like the rain, always. But I have this nagging feeling that there should be more to life than this...